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About me

About Me

As a lover of stories, I find it fascinating how storytelling techniques constantly evolve. Despite living in a digital age, we humans are still social creatures who enjoy reading, watching, and listening to stories.

Well-crafted stories have the power to create unforgettable experiences and build strong advocacy, especially stories which are part of an interesting wider narrative and use an engaging medium. As a child of the ‘80s I grew up immersed in fantastical tales of space, time, fairytales, and dinosaurs, but I also appreciate more realistic narratives that touch my heart and leave a lasting memory.

That's why I'm passionate about working in marketing. It's an industry that revolves around telling stories, and it feels like home to me. After a decade in this field, I'm constantly learning and expanding my marketing knowledge to help brands effectively convey impactful stories.

Group of VIP visitors with Adam pointing out a point of interest

My skills, interests and values

I possess a range of valuable skills which make me excited to work in marketing:

  • I’m a lifelong learner and believe there is always more to learn.

  • I thrive in high-paced environments where change is a constant.

  • I’m a cool cucumber - calm under pressure and a multi-tasking pro.

  • I’m a problem solver - I want to know how something works, and what we do to fix it when it doesn't.

  • Honesty is important. I'll be honest with you and I expect you to be with me. If something isn't working let's have an open conversation and look for ways to change. 

  • I’m a data, logic and feedback guy. I enjoy getting into the data and customer feedback, analysing results and learning lessons.

  • I have a test-and-learn mindset and favour working to iterate a Minimum Viable Product over waiting for something perfect that may never be ready.

  • I’m proactive, ambitious and flexible, able to change tact with speed.

  • One of my greatest enjoyments is working with others, I’m a people person and love building and developing relationships. It doesn't matter what your role is, I enjoy working with everyone to ensure we reach the goal.

A drawing of a website design

My experience

I have built a considerable range of marketing experiences in the past decade which I can draw on in my work. Some of my career highlights are below, but these are by no means my only experiences.

Some highlights are:​

  • Certified Digital Marketing Professional from the Digital Marketing Institute, and a Diploma in Events Management. 

  • Holistic responsibility for the development of all digital marketing channels in my roles, including at one high-profile company several websites which had, in total, over 1,000,000 visitors each year, and social media channels with over 175,000 followers.

  • Building, managing and evaluating the impact of campaigns of marketing activity across multiple digital channels and audiences.

  • Managing websites at different stages in their lifecycle, from creating new sites, planning and delivering whole-website redevelopments, to managing the decommissioning and archiving with the UK Web Archive.

  • Sole responsibility and oversight of challenging events programmes. These programmes have included the strategy, planning and delivery of self-hosted events, attending keystone external events such as hosting small-scale VIP visits, hosting high-profile media events with the Prime Minister and Mayor of London, exhibiting at key industry tradeshows for lead generation, hosting large-scale open house events with 5,000 members of the public and more.

  • Creating impactful video, digital and print content that has received high engagement and positive feedback.

  • Managing substantial digital libraries of content (20,000+ items) including images, graphics, video, and promotional marketing materials; and curation of content for a range of audiences.

  • Managed internal communications activity including organising and delivering lunch and learn talks, organising company-wide awards ceremonies, and regular updates to the company intranet and email distribution lists.


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